Look and feel beautiful

The best lamp. The best tan. 

Do you have any questions? just call us 08-77-10-66-00

You can choose from lying and standing beds from 4 different manufacturers.

Ergoline lying bed

Soltron stand-up bed

NewTechnology stand-up bed

MegaSun lying bed

At Tanning4U, we strive to make our clients feel and look like stars. We ensure our guests have a modern and attractive appearance, specializing in creating a healthy skin tone for everyday life. Whether you're looking for a quick tan before a holiday or a timeless skin tone for a special occasion, Tanning4U has the solution for you. We offer full service – from a gentle build-up of colour to a deep chocolate tan. 

We take age restrictions very seriously, so if you look young, you will be asked to present an ID to confirm your age .